Many thanks to our partners of the XENIX ETF DAYS 2022:

The two-day ETF DAYS conference has been hosted by XENIX every two years since 2017. The "2021" conference, which was cancelled in light of the Corona pandemic, was hosted in March 2022. The XENIX ETF DAYS are ETFs, Fintech and Berlin all in one. XENIX organizes and moderates the ETF DAYS for knowledge exchange and networking between established providers and successful start-ups.The 2017, 2019 and 2022 XENIX ETF DAYS conferences in Berlin demonstrated that ETF investing and wealth management are undergoing fundamental and ongoing technology-driven change.XENIX ETF DAYS will continue to focus on the ever-changing facets and interplay of index investing, rules-based portfolio management, ETFs and especially their exchange trading, other investment opportunities such as cryptocurrency ETPs, and the different approaches to digital asset management and ETF robos.

Sincere thanks also go to our media partners: