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Press Release
Berlin/Stockholm, 28 April 2023

Index and ETF Experts at the XENIX ETF AWARDS Nordics 2023

XENIX celebrated the first edition of its ETF AWARDS Nordics in Stockholm on April 27, 2023 with fund managers and representatives of the Nordic index fund and ETF industry.

Dr. Christian Bahr, Head Index Services at SIX, delivered a keynote address. He explained that SIX very often creates customized indices in the Nordic countries, which would be based on a customized ESG dataset from the asset manager. Claus Hecher, BNP Paribas, and Henrik Norén, Nordicus, focused their panel discussion on the specifics of the Nordic ETF markets. Both see rather limited competition, they also criticized the exclusion of ETFs from the government-owned “PPM-Fondtorget” in Sweden (which is run by the Pensionsmyndigheten authority) and they also spoke of rather limited ETF offerings at local direct banks. Both experts agreed that the German ETF market could be a model for the Nordic countries, but local banks would need to adopt monthly ETF savings plans as a core offering for retail investors.

Celebration of the best index funds and ETFs in the Nordic countries

The XENIX ETF AWARDS Nordics 2023 recognized outstanding index trackers (traditional index funds and exchange traded ETFs) that are quality leaders because they are currently the highest rated trackers in their respective peer groups according to the XENIX STARS qualitative rating.

The winners of the Nordic Quality Awards

XENIX considers for the XENIX ETF AWARDS Nordics 2023 only index funds and ETFs that are passively managed, registered for public distribution and offered by Nordic banks or fund centers. XENIX considers the entire spectrum of passive investments offered to private investors. The XENIX ETF AWARDS Nordics 2023 were awarded to these quality leaders in the following categories:

Tracker Funds Equity Sweden – high dividends
Aktiespararna Direktavkastning B – SE0013720000

ETF Equity Sweden – broad ESG Leaders
XACT Sverige (UCITS ETF) – SE0001056045

Tracker Funds Equity Sweden – broad ESG Screened
Handelsbanken Sverige 100 Index Criteria A1 – SE0003788587

Tracker Funds Equity Norway – broad ESG Screened
Storebrand Indeks – Norge A – NO0010704265

Tracker Funds Equity Finland – ESG Screened
Nordnet Indeksirahasto Suomi ESG – SE0005993102

The winners of the Nordic Newcomer Award 2023

In the second award category, index funds and ETFs were recognized for offering Nordic investors real innovation. This price category is therefore not based on the XENIX quality rating. XENIX ETF AWARDS Nordics 2023 were awarded to these newcomers: Newcomer Award 2023 for BNP Paribas Easy JPM ESG EMBI Global Diversified Composite Track Privilege C. (EUR) – LU1291091905. This index fund has been registered for Nordic distribution since February 20, 2023 and offers broad exposure to emerging market bonds. Newcomer Award 2023 for PLUS Allabolag Sverige Index – SE0014991535. This index fund was launched on October 26, 2023 and provides full coverage of the Swedish equity market based on 100% physical index replication.

The winners of the Nordic Special Award 2023

The special “Nordic ETF Pioneer” award went to the Finnish blue-chip ETF Seligson & Co OMX Helsinki 25 UCITS ETF – FI0008805627 – which was launched back on February 8, 2002, and is still the only ETF offering intraday liquidity for Finnish large- and mid-cap stocks.

The special award “Equity Sweden ESG Leaders Index” was given to the SIX Sweden ESG Selection Index GI , which is a broad representation of the Swedish equity market with 70 index components. Its universe consists of 120 common stocks with the highest trading volume on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. The final composition follows an ESG leaders approach but is weighted by market capitalization.

XENIX is a provider of qualitative ETF ratings, publisher of the XENIX ETF AWARDS and organizer of the XENIX ETF DAYS 2024 in Berlin. XENIX’s qualitative ETF ratings fully cover the ETF markets in Germany, Italy, the UK, Northern Europe and Switzerland. The XENIX team evaluates the quality of more than 2,000 ETFs in a multi-stage process and classifies all sustainability ETFs in Europe according to regulatory requirements.

Press contact

Dr. Markus Thomas, +49 177 384 5021,,

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: This press release is for informational purposes only and does not offer specific investment advice, including but not limited to investment, financial, legal, tax or banking advice. This press release also does not contain any recommendations as to the suitability of particular index funds and/or ETFs for the circumstances of any particular investor. Nothing in this press release constitutes or forms part of any investment advice, recommendation or offer to issue, subscribe for or purchase any units, shares or other interests (“Units”) in the mutual funds described herein.

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